Training Opportunities
ICISF – International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc.
ICISF is a non-profit, open membership foundation dedicated to the prevention and mitigation of disabling stress through education, training, and support services. They work with Crisis and Disaster Response Programs, organizations, and communities worldwide.
Classes that would be the most applicable to Family Support Team (FSTeam) would be:
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Basic Group Crisis Intervention
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM Crisis Intervention and Peer Support, and
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Advanced Group Crisis Intervention.
ICISF Training is usually for 2-days or 4-days, and offers up to 12 classes, including newer courses such as Domestic Terrorism. The training costs are very affordable, and vary depending on the classes that you would like to take, and whether you participate for 2-days or 4-days. Early registration helps keeps the costs low.
Questions? Visit or contact:
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc.
3290 Pine Orchard Lane, Suite 106 Ellicott City, MD 21042
Phone: (410)750-9600
(Emergency): (410) 313-2473
Fax: (410) 750-9601
NOVA – National Organization for Victim Assistance
For more than 25 years, NOVA has offered services and training for victims of crime and other crises. Their one week training includes: Crisis Reactions, Acute Stress Factors, Short-Term and Long-Term Reactions, Crisis Intervention and Death Notification, Cultural Perspectives, Age Perspectives from child to elder responses, Case Studies, Stress Reaction of Caregivers, and much more. NADA/F members who have participated in the NOVA training found it very helpful.
Training is $300 to $350 for the week, 40 hours of training.
For more information call NOVA directly: (703) 535-6682. Also
visit the NOVA website for additional training opportunities:
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross has hundreds of chapters in the U.S. with a wide range of crisis response training programs from Introduction to Disaster, ARC 3066, to more in depth classes, depending on the size and location of that Red Cross Center.
Some offer aviation disaster classes, however, to participate in the ARC air disaster teams the Red Cross may require certified mental health professionals, or clergy, however, Red Cross training may prepare you to participate in the NADA/F Family Support Team (FSTeam).
You may want to check with a number of Red Cross offices in your area to see if the training opportunities will help you.
Citizen Corps – Community Training
C.E.R.T. Community Emergency Response Team
Sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and conducted at many community locations throughout the U.S. by the local Fire Rescue Services. The C.E.R.T program is designed to focus on hurricanes, flooding and other major emergencies. Some classes may focus on disasters that occur in a particular geographical location. Training is free or very low cost, and provides basic emergency response information that could be helpful to participate in your own community and the NADA/F Family Support Team (FSTeam).
For more information check with your local Fire-Rescue offices by calling their non-emergency telephone number. Information is also available on the Internet at or
Questions? Email
For activities in your area, a href=””>click here.
Victims, Inc. in Rochester NH – The Joan Ellis Victims Assistance Network
Their Trauma Intervention Volunteer training started in 1993, and the program is designed for people in the New Hampshire/New England area who will volunteer to help in their communities. The training is free and is usually conducted for eight consecutive Saturdays, plus annual re‑training opportunities. Excellent program! For more information call (603) 335-7777.
107 Highland Street, East Rochester NH 03868
NADA/F members may learn of local crisis response training similar to Victims, Inc. from regional crisis centers throughout the U.S. Please share that information with us.
Watch the NADA/F website for Updates and more Opportunities for Training!