How to Receive Aviation News
Click here to sign up for our free NADA/F email alerts. Our email news is sent twice a month or less.
FAA Press Releases
To automatically receive FAA press releases, click here and enter your name and email address.
FAA Rulemaking Regulation Notices
To receive FAA Rulemaking Regulation Notices, register here. (Click on “Subscribe” in the upper right corner.)
Or you can register by visiting Click on Regulations and Policies; go to FAA Regulations, Rulemaking, Recently Published Rulemaking Documents, and click on “Subscribe” found in the upper right corner.
FAA Rulemaking also gives you an opportunity to post comments about proposed rules and thus send your statement directly to the FAA.
You may also visit to request FAA and government email updates. This is an outsourced service and far more general.
NTSB Email News and Press Releases
To receive email news and press releases from the National Transportation Safety Board, click here. Or visit and scroll down; on the left, click on Email Subscription Service.
GAO – Government Accountability Office – Information and Reports
To receive GAO Email updates when aviation reports are issued, go to and click on E-mail Updates at the top right.
Aviation stories in the news sometimes refer to a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO). You can easily receive the entire report by visiting Most reports can be printed from their website, or you may order by mail.
If you have questions about how to access or receive their information, the email address is: or
U.S. General Accounting Office
441 G St., NW
Washington DC 20548
512-6000-phone to order copies.
GAO used to mail one copy at no charge, however, now there is a fee for ordering a printed copy.
(202) 512-3000-general phone number
Electronic Aviation Newsletters
The following electronic news is available and keeps you informed about aviation news.
Aviation Security Digest by David Evans
David Evans received the NADA/F Journalism Award for his excellent reporting on aviation safety and security. For access to his monthly newsletter go to:
Todd Curtis sends an email newsletter with the latest aviation news. Sign up here or send email to
Aviation Today
To receive email news, click here.
Their calendar of professional conferences and meetings can be found here.