Fuel Tank Inerting

The links below represent almost ten years of work, and a “how to” guide by NADA/F members to outline how we successfully promoted inerting to prevent center wing fuel tank explosions such as occurred on TWA Flight 800.

The FAA recognized our Dissent in 2002, and the FAA, working with the industry, did the work to develop lightweight affordable technology to lower the oxygen content with nitrogen to prevent fuel tank explosions.

Thank you to the aviation professionals and NADA/F members who made this safety technology possible!

November, 2008 – History of Promoting Fuel Tank Inerting
A “how to” outline representing ten years of work. Opens in PDF.

July 17, 2008 – Press Release
NADA/F joined the FAA, NTSB and the Secretary of Transportation to announce the FAA mandate to require fuel tank inerting. Opens in PDF.

March 13, 2002 – Dissenting Opinion
NADA/F filed an important Dissent to the FAA FTIHWG (Fuel Tank Inerting Harmonization Working Group) opinion that stated it was “too expensive” to address fuel tank inerting and prevent center wing tank explosions. Opens in PDF.
(Note: Page 12 report on 27 known explosions.)


Press Conference to Announce Fuel Tank Inerting included: John Hickey from FAA, Matt Ziemkiewicz, NADA/F President, Robert Sturgell, FAA Adminsitrator, Mary Peters, Secretary of Transportation, and Mark Rosenker, NTSB Chair. Bobby Sturgell is demonstrating the Inerting technology.


NTSB Chair Mark Rosenker presented Matt Ziemkiewicz with a signed copy of the NTSB “Most Wanted” Aviation Safety Improvements.

Fuel Tank Interting Video