Flight 3407 Families to DOT Nominee Foxx: “Safety Must Be Top Priority”
Flight 3407 Families to DOT Nominee Foxx: “Safety Must Be Top Priority”
Buffalo, New York- May 1, 2013
The ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s nomination of Anthony Foxx to be the next Transportation Secretary:
“As numerous entities weigh in on Mayor Foxx’s nomination in terms of the ability of his cabinet seat to influence jobs and the economy in the transportation sector, our group serves as a reminder that economic-driven shortcuts employed by some regional airlines can have disastrous consequences. While we are all for promoting the economy, we learned the hard way what can happen when the airlines are allowed to run roughshod over the FAA, owing to a laissez-faire approach to the industry by the White House in the years leading up to February 12, 2009.
“Looking back on the last four years since this needless tragedy, we applaud Secretary LaHood’s continued prioritization of safety across all modes of transportation, in particular his success in steering through landmark new flight and duty time guidelines which will greatly improve the plight of regional airline pilots. The next six months are a critical period for DOT and FAA in terms of achieving full implementation of the 2010 Airline Safety Act, and this transition at the top of the Department of Transportation cannot be allowed to cause any further delay to key rulemakings on pilot qualifications and crewmember training. “We look forward to following Mayor Foxx’s Senate confirmation process closely, and learning more about his positions on key transportation safety issues.”
The ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ group was immediately organized after the crash as a support network and an activist group to work on aviation safety reform. Visit the group’s website or follow them on twitter @3407Families learn more about their efforts.
Contact: Takla Boujaoude takla.3407@gmail.com 716-907-2425