Matt Ziemkiewicz Reports from the International Society of Air Safety Invesigators Regional Conference
We a great time in Charleston, South Carolina at the International Society of Air Safety Investigators, Southeast Regional chapter conference over the weekend. Nice weather, great town and terrific hosts. We were happy to have our local Board member, Lea Ann Adkins, as well as Board member Alice Hoagland participate.
On Friday, we had a brief tour of the Boeing Charleston assembly plant for the new 787 Dreamliner. They even had a few modified 747 Dreamliners there too!
The group assembled for the conference was intimate and everyone was very friendly. The speakers were terrific.
On Saturday, we learned about about airplane survivability, then Sikorsky helicopter safety and the NTSB regional accident response overview. In addition, Mary Schiavo presented about how investigations can sometimes go wrong, but gave examples of how they can go right too.