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January 2001 Newsletter

Dear Member of NADA/F,

I am writing to you as a fellow member of NADA/F, and as a member of the Board. I know that you care deeply about our work to ensure safety, security, and survivability for the flying public. I hope you will help me in helping our organization achieve its goals in 2001.

I am making a challenge to you which, with your acceptance, will help us do just that. As you know, we all appreciate the work of each other. Unfortunately, having spent my career working in not-for-profit organizations, I know all too well that it takes money to do just about anything. Well, in light of that - while I'm not prepared to 'give up the store' just yet - I am prepared to make my annual contribution.

Why am I writing to you about my gift? Because I am prepared to match, dollar-for-dollar, every dollar which you contribute by March 1, up to a total of $2,000. If, for example, you contribute $100, then I will contribute $100, etc.

I hope you will accept this challenge and send your gift today. Just by knowing that we have the funds to get us through the beginning of the year -- without daily financial concerns -- will help us all (not to mention Gail, our President!) to feel confident that we WILL make great strides in improving the safety, security, and survivability of the flying public in 2001.

I do this in memory of my daughter, Jill , who lost her life at age 32 on TWA Flight 800, July 17, 1996. I do it so that others may never experience such a loss.

Thank you very much. 


P.S. Please, read about our work, progress, and plans in this newsletter. . . then, make me pay!!!

Please NOTE that your contribution, payable to the National Air Disaster Foundation, will be tax-deductible.


Crisis Response Team Training

Monday-Friday, February 19-23, 2001 - 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Washington DC - Only $100 to cover training materials
Special Rate is for current 2001 paid-up NADA/F members.
Annual dues is $20 per person.

For over 25 years NOVA ­ National Organization for Victim Assistance, has offered services and training for victims of crimes and other crises. Those who complete the training are able to become part of NOVA's national CRT program and possibly work with disaster professionals in their own area after a disaster, or possibly work with NADA/F members after an air crash, to offer direct support to victims' families.

Organizations have expressed an interest in using our members as volunteers after an air disaster.

If called to help, we understand that transportation and hotel expenses will be covered, and we look forward to working with many groups.

Crisis Response Team Training includes: Orientation to Crisis Response Teams, Crisis Reactions, Acute Stress Factors, Short-Term and Long-Term Reactions, Crisis Intervention and Death Notification, Cultural Perspectives, Age Perspectives from child to elder responses, Case Studies, Stress Reactions of Caregivers, and much more. NADA/F members who participated last year found the training excellent. NOVA also emphasizes that how people are treated initially after a disaster has a direct correlation to the trauma suffered long after the crisis. The week of friendship also gave participants a chance for bonding and renewing our strength to help others after the tragedies that bring us together.

To guarantee a place in the class, please send $100 to cover training materials to the NATIONAL AIR DISASTER FOUNDATION. This is a special rate for NADA/F members. This does not include travel, hotel, or meals. If you are not a 2001 member of NADA/F please include the $20 per person for annual membership.

Training will be held at the Madison Hotel, 15th and M Streets, NW, Washington DC. 20005.

Group rate for NOVA and NADA/F members is only $115 per night. Call (202) 862-1600 or (800) 424-8577 for hotel reservations and ask for the NOVA 12K rate.

Special thanks to NOVA for making this opportunity available to us, and to NADA/F Board Member Jim Hurd for working with NOVA to coordinate the training. If you have additional questions, please contact Jim Hurd at (410) 551-0459, or call NADA/F directly at (888) 444-6232.

Space will be limited so please reserve as soon as possible! Let us know if you are interested in future training.

NOVA is also offering training June 11-15th at Boulder CO for their usual $300 fee.

For the Boulder location training, call NOVA registration direct at (202) 232-6682. There will be fewer participants focusing on air disaster assistance at this location, however, Colorado may be more convenient for you. Same excellent program and training.

More Opportunities for Training for Family Support…

Victims, Inc., The Joan Ellis Victims Assistance Network, Rochester, NH and Brentwood, NH.

Training will begin in March, consisting of 8 Saturday sessions, and the training is free. If you would like to apply for training and volunteer service please call (603) 335-7777

Victims. Inc., began training Trauma Intervention Volunteers in 1993, and training is offered for those in the New England area who want to volunteer to assist victims or family members in the NH area, at fires, explosions, fatal and serious injury crashes, suicides, robberies, drownings, missing persons, industrial and recreational accidents, sudden infant deaths, and more. No previous medical, legal, or psychological experience is necessary. Victims, Inc. also offers a Grieving Assistance Program for Students!

Special thanks to Dr. Melvin Prostkoff, one of our excellent speakers at the Annual Meeting, for helping us network with Victims, Inc.


NADA/F has been approached about providing volunteers to offer direct support for victims' families after an air crash. In response to these requests, we are currently preparing to fill a unique gap in assistance in this time of extreme need. While the Red Cross provides mental health counselors and spiritual counselors, our trained Support Team Escorts will be trained to listen, provide privacy, and help meet the myriad of needs -- ones our volunteers have themselves experienced -- in this time of tragedy and confusion.

It is critical to remember that survivors (including family members) are normal people, having normal reactions, to an abnormal event. NADA/F Family Support Team (FST) volunteers share a unique bond. We are part of a 'Club'. . . a 'Club' we never wanted to join. We are now ready to pool our experiences and the strength we have shown, and put them to work.

Our goal is to ensure that survivors and victims' families have their short and long term needs met after an aviation disaster. We will not be doing mental health, spiritual, or legal counseling, We will be helping people with what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.

If you have an interest in participating as a Family Support Team escort with NADA/F you will need to commit to special training provided through NADA/F or your local Red Cross chapter. Remember, if and when you might ever be called upon, rapid response will be critical. Volunteers with conversational ability in foreign languages are especially welcome. See more in this newsletter about training opportunities.

Team Organizers: Barbara Skudlarick - MazamaJoe@cs.com - (360) 371.4108
Joan Pontante - Japontante@juno.com - (315) 593.3279
Janice Watson - janwatson@yahoo.com
Gail Dunham - GADunham@aol.com - (888) 444.6232
(and others)

Saturday, March 3, 2001 - United 585
10th Memorial, Colorado Springs, CO

We will gather at the memorial crash site at Widefield Park about 9:30AM and have brunch/lunch following at the Broadmoor Hotel. Everyone is welcome. Contact Gail Dunham (215) 793-0553 or GADunham@aol.com for additional information.

One of the NADA/F goals for 2001 is that the NTSB revise the UA585 Final Report to reflect the true Probable Cause of UA585, which was announced March 24, 1999 at the USAir 427 Final Hearing. The public record is now overwhelming that the true probable cause was the 737-rudder reversal. Recent conversations with the NTSB indicate that the Board is moving in the right direction. We will keep you posted!
Gail Dunham.

Addison Airport - Dallas TX

Special Guest Speaker: Byron Acohido, Pulitzer Prize winning Aviation Journalist now with 
"USA Today." $50 per person for Reception and Dinner. Black tie optional.

The purpose of the Ostriches Anonymous Association (OAA) is to promote aviation safety by sponsoring the Anonymous Annual Ostrich "Head in the Sand" Award, "The Oliver." Last year's Oliver was, "We haven't had enough fatalities in air cargo operations to justify TCAS!" (TCAS is Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems) This statement, like many of the Oliver sightings, represents true "Head in the Sand" Award thinking.

It was great to meet the OAA President, Bob Besco, a very entertaining speaker, at our Annual Meeting. The OAA Ball is a fun event and everyone is welcome. Perhaps you would like to offer your sightings for "Head in the Sand" Awards during 2001. Our Vice President Carole Rietz is also a member of OAA and she hopes to qualify for a "Ruffled Feathers Award" this year!

For more information call (214) 468-0830, or Email oaa@properf.org or check the website: http://www.properf.org/oaa


Check our website for BOOKS, Updates on books of interest to our members. Order your books or C.D's through our link with amazon.com and NADA/F will receive a small commission. Click on the amazon.com logo on the Book Page or the HomePage. Thank you!


Remember to send in your dues of $20 per person for 2001 to help cover the costs of our mailings to you. Your additional contribution will be deeply appreciated! Please send your tax-deductible check payable to the NATIONAL AIR DISASTER FOUNDATION, TODAY! If you have already renewed, Thank you !


Remember, or Honor, Your Loved One for a holiday, birthday or anniversary, by sponsoring an issue of our NADA/F Newsletter with a $2,000 donation. In return we will recognize your loved one with their photo and brief biography in our newsletter.

Special thanks to Ken and Maureen Dobert for being our First Newsletter Sponsors.

Keep in mind that NADA/F has grown substantially, and our primary goal is an office in Washington DC. A donation of $100,000 would make that office a reality! Call Janice Watson, (561) 362-5888 for any other giving ideas and opportunities.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us grow to become the largest grass-roots air safety organization in the US!
Your NADA/F Board Members

CT-43 U.S. Air Force 737 April 3, 1996

The U.S. Commerce Commission's flight to Croatia took the lives of wonderful people from the military, private industry, and U.S. government employees. The families were given a 60-day "investigation" that produced thousands of pages, but left more questions than it answered. The people of Croatia dedicated a monument at the crash site, however, families who lost loved ones had to pay their own way to honor the memorial site where family had died.

For Ken and Maureen Dobert, and others from CT-43, the loss of a child or family member was over-whelming, but they did not realize that more hardship would be forced upon them. Everyone on the plane was going to work, yet knew nothing of the legal complications that could follow. Access to the courts was denied to most because they were told that CT-43 was a military flight, albeit, this was a peace mission to foster U.S. business and trade. The USAF acknowledged "failure of command" as an accident cause, but applied different laws and interpretations. The U.S. government employees were barred from filing a wrongful death under the Military Claims Act. Foreign nationals were barred from filing any claims, and six military personnel were also barred from filing claims by both the Military Claims Act and the Feres Doctrine.

Dobert's and others have pursued passage of HR 3295, and find verbal support at their Congressional and government meetings. Still this excellent legislation has not passed.

NADA/F supports passage of HR 3295, and we believe it supports the Supreme Court rulings of Equal Treatment Under the Law. In memory of those lost on CT-43, and to establish a fair treatment for ALL government employees similarly harmed while on the job, we ask you to send your members of Congress and the Senate an e-mail: Request that they do everything possible to pass HR 3295, the CT-43A Federal Employee Settlement Act. www.house.gov and www.senate.gov

VICTIMS OF PAN AM FLIGHT 103 - Dec. 21, 1988

As we go to press, the trial, which began May 2000, is coming to a close for the accused perpetrators of PA103. The average age of a passenger on PA103 was only 27, and all the PA103 members can be proud that the trial happened because of their work.

They marched on the White House on the 103rd day after the crash, and never stopped pushing for truth, justice, and aviation safety and security.

The letter from George Williams is a brief history of their work. George lost his son on PA103. The next time you go through a security scanner at an airport, privately thank the Victims of PA103. They also forced the oil embargo of Libya to force the release of the suspects of this horrific crime. The trial in the Netherlands under Scottish Law was a compromise, however, the "Wall St. Journal" states, "International Trial in Lockerbie Bombing May Be A Model for the Future." We hope that we do not need a similar trial, however, a precedent has now been established.

Bob Monetti, a guest at our annual meeting and the new President of PA103, has become one of the finest experts in the world on aviation security. Everyone has benefited because of the PA103 work for safety and security. Special thanks also to Glenn Johnson, from PA103, who helped found NADA/F!

George Williams, geedubblu@aol.com
Bob Monetti, current PA103 President, bobmonet@mindspring.com
Glenn Johnson, JohnsonVPAF103@cs.com


February 7, 2001 - FAA Meeting 10AM - 12 Noon at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City.

The FAA is holding the first full membership meeting in many years, and it is open to those who represent the organizations that are part of the FAA Aviation Rule Making Advisory Committees (ARAC). As you know NADA/F is one of those ARAC organizations, plus NADA/F has a seat on the Executive Committee. NADA/F members are welcome! 
Please let us know if you plan to attend.


February 12, 1998 an FAA Press Release announced that the FAA was Ordering Fire Detection and Suppression Systems to be installed in commercial Aircraft Cargo Compartments. FAA announced that the airlines would be filing quarterly reports of the status of the retrofits, and the work would be completed within three years.

NADA/F wanted that information to be public record, and we were the only organization pushing for the disclosure. The FAA responded to our request, and the status of those quarterly reports can be viewed at the following website:

Or http://www.faa.gov/avr/air/airhome.htm and then click on Available Information: Class D Cargo Conversation Status.

I hope that our friends in the media who receive this will take a look and get busy reporting which airlines and airplanes are in compliance and which are not. The percentages may not be as high as they appear because the aircraft scheduled for retirement are not part of the numbers, they will not be converted with smoke detectors because they will be retired.

The date for compliance is March 19, 2001!
It appears that some of the airlines are behind schedule and may not complete the work in time. NADA/F believes that all airplanes that are not in compliance should be grounded, and airlines that completed the work ahead of schedule should be given recognition!

NADA/F is the only organization pushing for on time compliance, and I am proud to report that Tom McSweeny, Associate Administrator, FAA, recently told us, "The airlines are going to make it, (by March 19th) or the planes will be parked."

NEW! The FAA audit reports of the 9 major airlines will be public information early February.

NADA/F Supports Norman Y. Mineta,
Secretary of Transportation Appointee. . .

If you would like to know more about Mineta and his work you may want to take a look at the Mineta Commission report which is posted on the FAA website:

Mineta Chaired the National Civil Aviation Review Commission, and the report is titled: "Avoiding Aviation Gridlock & Reducing the Accident Rate: A Consensus for Change," dated December, 1997

The report begins: "Washington, We Have a Problem. Without prompt action, the United States' aviation system is headed toward gridlock shortly after the turn of the century. If this gridlock is allowed to happen, it will result in a deterioration of aviation safety, harm the efficiency and growth of our domestic economy, and hurt our position in the global marketplace. Lives may be endangered, the profitability and strength of the aviation sector could disappear, and jobs and business opportunities far beyond aviation could be forgone."

The report is factual, hard hitting, and an excellent starting point for Mineta's term. We look forward to working with DOT Chair Mineta toward our common goals.

Recent FAA Meetings…

Jane Garvey, FAA Administrator, graciously met with our members at the Annual Meeting, and as a result of that opportunity, Ms. Garvey has stated a commitment to increasing our participation on the FAA ARAC committees. NADA/F is clearly the largest and most active Public Interest Group working with the FAA. I recently attended a follow-up meeting in Washington DC and we had an excellent discussion about ways to increase our representation in the FAA process. Additional NADA/F appointees have been approved, and I am proud of the excellent job that our members are doing. They have demonstrated that people from the public sector have a great deal to offer!

During the meeting we also discussed the progress that has been made in having more FAA information available on the FAA website, and we appreciate that the FAA is listening to our suggestions.

Administrator Garvey's term continues until August, 2002, and we appreciate her willingness to talk and work with us. Our work will continue!

Information about the FAA ARAC committees can be viewed at the following:

National 2511 January 6, 1960 - Bolivia NC
By Linda Silver Bufano, NADA/F Member

I was five when my parents were killed in a plane crash. I remember the day I was told they wouldn't be coming back from their Florida vacation, I remember exactly what I was doing at the time -- putting together a Lassie puzzle. That's about all I remember. The crash was never talked about. I had always assumed the crash was due to pilot error. Little did I know how wrong I was!

Thirty-eight years later I found out the crash was due to a bomb carried by one of the passengers. I had not looked into the crash before, and two years would go by before I began my journey. In December 1999 I was urged by friends to look on the internet for information. I found a short mention of the crash and a reference to an ICAO report. I e-mailed the webmaster, and he e-mailed to me the ICAO report.

In January 2000, I stepped up my search. I went to many search engines on the internet and typed in "plane crashes" and got many responses.

During one of my searches I found the National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation. I e-mailed NADA and asked if someone knew how I could learn more about an airplane crash that happened 40 years ago! Gail Dunham answered my e-mail and suggested that I contact Nancy Boonstra, who researched her mother's plane crash that happened some 50 years ago.

In the meantime, I went back on the internet, typed in "National Airlines" and found a webpage of a group of former National Airline employees. I e-mailed their webmaster and asked if someone in the group might know something. An ex-stewardess e-mailed back to me with the name of the pilot that had flown my parent's fateful plane into New York's Idelwild Airport earlier that day in January. I called him. The ex-stewardess put me in touch with a former VP for Public Affairs at National. I called him. The pilot xeroxed the entire front section of the Miami Herald (he had saved it all these years). In the Miami Herald I found the name of a "boy" who found the wreckage on his father's farm. I looked him up in the internet "white pages," and found him! I called him! It was unbelievable how many people were out there that were still alive and had knowledge of the crash.

I got excellent advice from Nancy Boonstra and an airline pilot on what type of information I could get and where to look. I sent a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request to the NTSB, FAA and the FBI. The NTSB and FAA came back with nothing other than the CAB report. I already had that. The FBI was a goldmine! I wrote them in January 2000, received a response in February, and another response about what they would be sending me in mid-March. I am still waiting for their files as of January 2000, and will continue to ask for the information.

Back on the internet, I found out-of-print books that either mentioned my parents' crash or were about my parents' crash. Within two months time I had so much information that my head was spinning. There were two other couples traveling with my parents, each had two children. I also located all four of the children and spoke with three of them. Some I never knew before, I just called out of the blue.

With the support of my husband and children I visited the crash site in North Carolina during our summer vacation the end of August. I decided that this was a way to tie up everything I had been doing for the year. I saw the last place my parents were and felt a closeness with them after all these years. The pilot who flew the plane earlier that day drove up from Florida to meet me at the crash site. When I finished my visit I knew that I did the right thing. I couldn't have done this without the help of NADA, Gail, Nancy Boonstra, The National Sundowners Club and several other individuals. Thank you all for your help and support!

Linda Silver Bufano, Email fourbufs@starpower.net (703) 425-0291

Nancy Boonstra from "Project Angel" has the following suggestions for research:

People can go to any good size library that has microfiche film. Usually the "New York Times" had the passenger list, and people may enter the date, airline and flight number and any other material that you may be looking for.

People may also contact me directly via e-mail. I will take them through the research process, if they wish, to hopefully find the FBI file, the ALPA file (Air Line Pilots Association), CAB file (Civil Aeronautics Board, forerunner of NTSB), and more. It is a lengthy process, but very possible. Linda Silver's success with research is a good example! If people want to put in the time and effort, I will help them all the way.

I understand how important this is to the healing of families as it was for me when I researched United 608, from 1947, where I lost my mother and brother. I received so much healing from the research.

Nancy Boonstra, Founder "Project Angel," 5602 N. 11, Route 84, Galena IL 61038
(815) 777-8195 Email: grandma@galenalink.net

We often hear from those who lost loves ones in a plane crash long ago. We hope that Linda and Nancy's stories are helpful to others. Also make a posting on our website under DISCUSSION GROUP if you are looking for others from your crash. We welcome more WEBSITE LINKS to all air crash groups, found under ASSISTANCE.

Special Thanks to our First Newsletter Sponsor…
M-3 Money Management
Kenneth W. Dobert, C.F.P.
Certified Financial Planner
Personal Financial Planning
TSA Life Insurance, IRA
126 Captain Court
Moriches NY 11955
Securities through Princeton Equity Security, Inc.

In Loving Memory of Gail Elizabeth Dobert, who Died April 3, 1996, on the U.S. Air Force CT-43 while landing at the airport near Dubrovnik, Croatia, while on a U.S. Department of Commerce Trade Mission with Secretary Ron Brown. Gail began her journey on St. Johns Street in Sayville, New York, and ended it on St. Johns Hill in Croatia. Gail had a wonderful government career, which included joining Secretary Brown's staff as a Confidential Assistant in the Office of Business Liaison. At the time of her death she served as the Acting Director of the Office of Business Liaison. Gail worked to help U.S. businesses expand their role in the global economy. Throughout her career Gail also supported the cause of women's equality and opportunity. She is deeply missed by her parents, Ken and Maureen Dobert and left behind a very large family of friends from across the country who miss her dearly.

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