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The Book Shelf
Bob Allardyce photo Bob Allardyce
has made a generous
donation to NADA/F
through the sales of
The Tragic Flight of KAL Flight 007
Individuals wishing to place an order
for this two volume set should send
their name, address & a check for
US $30.58 (S&H included) payable
to NADA /F along with their 
request to the following address:.
   National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation
Book Offer
  2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW, # 315
  Washington, DC   20006-1846
by   James Gollin &
Robert Allardyce
The Tragic Flight of 
KAL Flight 007 
Volume 1: The Narrative

Volume 2: The Evidence
Paperback - American
Vision Publishing, 1994
Vol. 1 - 224 pages
Vol. 2 - 96 pages
IBSN:  1-883868-01-7


Korean Air Lines flight 007 was shot down by a Soviet SU-15 on August 31, 1983, five hours and twenty-six minutes after leaving Anchorage, Alaska, as it tried to complete the final leg of it's flight from New York to Seoul, South Korea.  The plane carried 269 passengers & crew when it plunged into the Gulf of Tartary, an arm of the Sea of Japan.  There were no survivors.

Desired Track offers a non politicized report of what actually happened.  The facts are presented in analytical form, using data from flight records, radar data from the CIA, FAA publications and data given to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) by Russia's Boris Yeltsin in 1993.  You will be able to retrace the entire flight and see for yourself how the airliner "strayed" 350 miles "off course" into Soviet airspace.  The question is "Why?".  Was KAL 007 (officially designated as KE 007) on an electronic intelligence gathering mission along with sister flight KAL 015 and Shemya's RC-135?  Were there two flight plans created by CAS (Continental Air Services) - one to file and one to fly?  Who actually controlled CAS?  Would the US put all those lives at risk? 

You be the judge.  The 2 volume book provides extensive validation for testing of the authors' work along with relevant data plotted on a pull out map.  You will be treated to a very detailed account of what the evidence says along with excellent explanations of the workings of the 747 and the INS (Inertial Navigation System).  If you are interested in only the facts, this book is for you.  Then, you too, can draw your own conclusions as you compare the facts, point by point, to official government findings.

Written by:  Mary Kahl
Board Liaison - United 232
E-mail:  MKahlcul8@aol.com

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